Tổng hợp Vicinity Là Gì – Nghĩa Của Từ Vicinity

Tổng hợp Link Vicinity Là Gì – Nghĩa Của Từ Vicinity là chủ đề trong content bây giờ của Tên game hay Hakitoithuong.vn. Tham khảo bài viết để biết chi tiết nhé.

It generally avoids the interior of humid primary forest, and in regions where such habitats dominate, It generally avoids the interior of humid primary forest, and in regions where such habitats dominate, it mainly occurs in relatively open sections or along forest borders (e.g. the vicinity of major rivers).

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(Revelation 1:10) At that time Satan and his (Revelation 1:10) At that time Satan and his demons were cast out of heaven to the vicinity of the earth —a great setback for this opposer of our Grand Creator.opposer of our Grand Creator.
Currently, Kranji Currently, Kranji MRT Station on the North South Line is the only station serving the vicinity.
During the night, During the night, the American ships intercepted strong German radio signals, indicating submarines probably in the vicinity reporting the group.
Bức này được chụp ngày # tháng #, #, và là bức ảnh được công bố rộng rãi nhất trong lịch sửWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During the past 80 years, a number of these events have already occurred: the birth of the Kingdom; the war in heaven and subsequent defeat of Satan and During the past 80 years, a number of these events have already occurred: the birth of the Kingdom; the war in heaven and subsequent defeat of Satan and his demons, followed by their confinement to the vicinity of the earth; the fall of Babylon the Great; and the appearance of the scarlet-colored wild beast, the eighth world power.Great; and the appearance of the scarlet-colored wild beast, the eighth world power.
For the remainder of the For the remainder of the year, her schedule remained routine, operations within the vicinity of San Diego, San Francisco, or San Pedro, with a period under repairs at Mare Island and dry-docked on a marine railway at San Diego.

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with a period under repairs at Mare Island and dry-docked on a marine railway at San Diego.
The task of the coastwatchers was to The task of the coastwatchers was to report on any enemy movements, or suspicious activity, that they observed in the vicinity of their stations.
So if some nutrition is not available in the vicinity of a tree, these microbes are going to get the nutrition to the tree.get the nutrition to the tree.
In 16th-century Verapaz, In 16th-century Verapaz, the entrance to Xibalba was traditionally held to be a cave in the vicinity of Cobán, Guatemala.
The first strike was launched on 10 July against airfields and installations in the vicinity of Tokyo.

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Economic activities are concentrated along this highway and also in the vicinity of the town square known as “alun-alun”.

Chuyên mục: Hỏi Đáp