Bình luận Malfunction Là Gì – Nghĩa Của Từ Malfunction Trong Tiếng Việt

Review Link Malfunction Là Gì – Nghĩa Của Từ Malfunction Trong Tiếng Việt là ý tưởng trong bài viết hôm nay của Kí tự đặc biệt Haki Tối Thượng. Đọc content để biết chi tiết nhé.

A:To not function correctly or properly.Eg. “The computer is malfunctioning. Whenever I go to start it up, it makes a whirring sound and turns off again”
A:The car has a known malfunction so the company is recalling it. Sorry, my brain is malfunctioning. The laptop has an electronic malfunction.
A:malfunction is if an object stopped working like “the car malfunctioned”failure is more personal. you could say “I”m a failure” or “this project is a failure”
A:As nouns the difference between malfunction and breakdownis that malfunction is faulty functioning while breakdown is a failure, particularly mechanical; something that has failed.

Bạn đang xem: Malfunction là gì

A:The machine is malfunctioning. We need to find the source. The family is dysfunctional, they operate strangely.
A:Malfunction has to do with machines, or any pieces of equipment /technology that fails to do a specific thing. Dysfunction is used to describe humans. Like organs/behavior. You can sometimes say that a machine has a “Dysfunction part”, but you can not use malfunction for humans.
Q:malfunction v. (of a machine, etc. ) to fail to work correctly ————————This is what a dictionary says. My questions are:1. Why is it “OF a machine”? Can I use the preposition “For a machine”?2. Why is it “to fail…”? Is it better to remove the word TO to show it is a verb?
A:1) It is written as OF because it is referring/talking about a machine.A sentence can be : malfunctioning of that machine is causing problem.Yeah you can use FOR here (because it is referring to a machine) but a sentence can”t be made .2)nope. You can”t remove to (it won”t make sense then…)to is just like usually in dictionary language it is – to eat ( not just eat )- to be (not just be)hope you got my point.

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Q: due to a technical malfunction, we had to deviate from its scheduled route. cái này nghe có tự nhiên không?
A:× due to a technical malfunction, we had to deviate from its scheduled route.✓ due to a technical malfunction, we had to deviate from our scheduled route.I think “our” is more appropriate, but I can”t say for sure without context. It”s unlikely I”d use its, but it is possible.

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Q: ・response to malfunction,・Answering to inquiry,about charge,operation method, service.・complaint handling cái này nghe có tự nhiên không?
Q:I don”t know how to use malfunction in a sentence.Can you make a couple sentences for me about that?
A:“The robot is malfunctioning.””Her car”s engine is malfunctioning.”” The computer is acting funny, I think it”s malfunctioning.”

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