Nhận xét Stimulation Là Gì – Stimulate Trong Tiếng Tiếng Việt

Bình luận Link Stimulation Là Gì – Stimulate Trong Tiếng Tiếng Việt là chủ đề trong nội dung hôm nay của Kí tự đặc biệt Hakitoithuong.vn. Đọc bài viết để biết đầy đủ nhé.

However, the one conducting a meeting However, the one conducting a meeting may occasionally draw out those in attendance and stimulate their thinking on the subject by means of supplementary questions.

Bạn đang xem: Stimulation là gì

A scientist working at Sydney University”s Auditory Neuroscience Laboratory reports growing evidence that A scientist working at Sydney University”s Auditory Neuroscience Laboratory reports growing evidence that infrasound may affect some people”s nervous system by stimulating the vestibular system, and this has shown in animal models an effect similar to sea sickness. animal models an effect similar to sea sickness.
Hút xì- gà sẽ giúp làm dịu thần kinh và tăng sự tự tin cho điện hạ WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Needle handles made with copper and silver get oxidized Needle handles made with copper and silver get oxidized during use and storage , which reduces their electrical conductivity making them unsuitable for electrical stimulation .
(2) Pick out a statement or a quoted scripture in this article that you believe will stimulate the interest of the householder.
Somatotropin also stimulates the release of another growth inducing hormone Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) mainly by the liver. the liver.
When an atom (or some other two-level system) is illuminated When an atom (or some other two-level system) is illuminated by a coherent beam of photons, it will cyclically absorb photons and re-emit them by stimulated emission.
(Isaiah 55:11) This, in turn, should stimulate us to carry on until we see the final realization of all of God’s promises by Jesus Christ. of all of God’s promises by Jesus Christ.
Ông ta cảm thấy rằng chủ nhật của chúng tôi, Chương trình học là anh biết đầy đủ, không giống Louis mà tôi từng biết jw2019 jw2019
8 Recall that Jesus was a master at using questions to 8 Recall that Jesus was a master at using questions to get his disciples to express what was on their minds and to stimulate and train their thinking.
If we can identify which parts of the brain are activated and stimulated by love , clinicians and therapists might have a deeper understanding of what is going on when treating a love-sick patient , the authors believe . a deeper understanding of what is going on when treating a love-sick patient , the authors believe .
It is also used recreationally as an inhalant drug that induces a brief It is also used recreationally as an inhalant drug that induces a brief euphoric state, and when combined with other intoxicant stimulant drugs such as cocaine or MDMA, the euphoric state intensifies and is prolonged. state intensifies and is prolonged.
Không đâu, hình như là Young- Jae đang ở nhà.. thôi để khi khác đi? WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Endeavor to stimulate a desire on the part of people to be subjects of the Kingdom, in which Jesus Christ rules as King. which Jesus Christ rules as King.

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Stimulants or “uppers” increase mental and/or physical function, hence the opposite drug class of depressants is stimulants , not antidepressants.
Ghi rõ rằng chúng tôi không tuyển mộ anh, không bổng lộc, trợ cấp… phúc lợi hay trợ cấp y tế khác WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The consequent rise in CO2 tension and drop in pH result in stimulation of the respiratory centre in the brain which eventually cannot be overcome voluntarily. eventually cannot be overcome voluntarily.
When we get angry , the heart rate , arterial tension and testosterone production increases , cortisol ( When we get angry , the heart rate , arterial tension and testosterone production increases , cortisol ( the stress hormone ) decreases , and the left hemisphere of the brain becomes more stimulated .
In addition to stimulating our repentance, the very experience of enduring chastening can refine us and prepare us for greater spiritual privileges. us for greater spiritual privileges.
Citing an unqualified labour force and less-developed Citing an unqualified labour force and less-developed infrastructure, the Chinese government has encouraged migrants to stimulate competition and change Tibet from a traditional to a market economy with economic reforms set forth by Deng Xiaoping. a market economy with economic reforms set forth by Deng Xiaoping.
Warming again made the land Warming again made the land hospitable, which brought high rainfall along the eastern coast, stimulating the growth of the state”s tropical rainforests.
Gần đây chúng tôi đã mở rộng nghiên cứu ở Nam cực…… với hy vọng giảm chi phí phát triển, chuyển đổi các nguồn năng lượng…… loại bỏ việc dựa quá nhiều vào nhiên liệu hóa thạch WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tìm 201 câu trong 5 mili giây. Các câu đến từ nhiều nguồn và chưa được kiểm tra.

Tác giả

FVDP-English-Vietnamese-Dictionary, FVDP Vietnamese-English Dictionary, EVBNews, LDS, OpenSubtitles2018.v3, jw2019, QED, GlosbeMT_RnD, WikiMatrix.
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stiltedness stilton stilts stilus stimulant stimulate stimulated emission stimulater stimulating stimulation stimulative stimulator stimuli stimulose stimulus

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