Review Expedition Là Gì – Expedition Trong Tiếng Tiếng Việt

Chia sẻ Link Expedition Là Gì – Expedition Trong Tiếng Tiếng Việt là conpect trong bài viết hôm nay của Kí tự đặc biệt Đọc bài viết để biết chi tiết nhé.

Anh-Việt Việt-Anh Nga-Việt Việt-Nga Lào-Việt Việt-Lào Trung-Việt Việt-Trung Pháp-ViệtViệt-Pháp Hàn-Việt Nhật-Việt Italia-Việt Séc-Việt Tây Ban Nha-Việt Bồ Đào Nha-Việt Đức-Việt Na Uy-Việt Khmer-Việt Việt-KhmerViệt-Việt

Bạn đang xem: Expedition là gì




expedition /,ekspi”diʃn/ danh từ cuộc viễn chinh; đội viễn chinh cuộc thám hiểm; đoàn thám hiểm cuộc hành trình, cuộc đi; đoàn người đi (trong cuộc hành trình) tính chóng vánh, tính mau lẹ, tính khẩn trương
cuộc hành trình


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Từ điển Collocation

expedition noun

ADJ. great, major Finally, the great expedition set off for the long journey to the Holy Land. | small | joint, international The British agreed to a joint expedition with the French. | foreign | successful | collecting, fishing, foraging, hunting, shopping | archaeological, scientific | military, naval | punitive In response, Charles VI sent a punitive expedition to Brittany, raping and killing the populace. | Antarctic, Everest, etc.

VERB + EXPEDITION go on, make He had made two expeditions to Spain to study wild plants. | embark on, set off/out on, undertake She was about to embark on a major expedition. | head, lead | join | organize, plan | launch, mount They plan to launch an expedition into the mountains. | send

EXPEDITION + VERB leave, set off/out, start | return The expedition returned only two weeks after it had left. | reach sth On 21 January the expedition reached the South Pole.

EXPEDITION + NOUN leader, member

PREP. on an/the ~ She was out on a shopping expedition. | ~ against He led a military expedition against the rebels. | ~ into an expedition into the interior of Australia | ~ to a naval expedition to West Africa

PHRASES a leader/member of an expedition

Từ điển WordNet


an organized group of people undertaking a journey for a particular purpose

an expedition was sent to explore Mars

a journey organized for a particular purpose

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English Synonym and Antonym Dictionary

expeditionssyn.: haste hurry journey pilgrimage promptness speed swiftness trek trip

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