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Various weasel-worded explanations have been given in trying to blunt the thrust of Jesus’ statement.
Có nhiều lời giải thích vòng vo được đưa ra nhằm giảm nhẹ sự đột phá trong lời tuyên bố của Chúa Giê-xu
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This explanation updates the information discussed on page 57, paragraph 24, of the Daniel’s Prophecy book and depicted in the charts on pages 56 and 139. depicted in the charts on pages 56 and 139.
Feynman prothienmaonline.vnded a quantum-mechanical explanation for the Sothienmaonline.vnet physicist Lev Landau”s theory of superfluidity.
Tôi vẫn chưa quá già đến mức mà anh cần phải lo lắng cho tôi! WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
So the main slogan here is that there”s So the main slogan here is that there”s nothing outside the universe, which means that there”s no place to put an explanation for something outside.
I am speaking here in the name of your parents and I am speaking here in the name of your parents and your employer, and I am requesting you in all seriousness for an immediate and clear explanation .
“Cheap and fast” is a shorthand explanation for the intentional use of fire to clear overgrown roadsides and open areas. and open areas.
The scripture index will enrich our personal Bible reading as we seek explanation of verses that seem puzzling or vague.
Biased interpretation offers an explanation for this effect: seeing the initial ethienmaonline.vndence, people form a working hypothesis that affects how they interpret the rest of the information. that affects how they interpret the rest of the information.
Well, you know, the Well, you know, the people who are most skeptical about leaping to evolutionary explanations for everything are the evolutionary psychologists themselves.

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The Chief indicated to me earlier this very day a possible explanation for your neglect — it concerned the collection of cash entrusted to you a short while ago — but in truth I almost gave him my word of honour that this explanation could not be correct.
That as we tease apart what goes on in hydrogen under pressures such as those that That as we tease apart what goes on in hydrogen under pressures such as those that one finds at the center of the earth, two explanations subtly contend with each other … …
What explanation does Paul give showing how those begotten by holy spirit are aware of that fact? that fact?
One of the best explanations of the planned role of opposition is in the Book of Mormon, in Lehi’s teachings to his son Jacob. in Lehi’s teachings to his son Jacob.
If you were to use Hebrews 9:12, 24 in a talk on the ransom, for example, you might find it necessary to preface If you were to use Hebrews 9:12, 24 in a talk on the ransom, for example, you might find it necessary to preface your reading of the text with a brief explanation of the innermost room of the tabernacle, which, the scripture indicates, pictures the place Jesus entered when he ascended to heaven. the scripture indicates, pictures the place Jesus entered when he ascended to heaven.
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Tìm 202 câu trong 5 mili giây. Các câu đến từ nhiều nguồn và chưa được kiểm tra.

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FVDP-English-thienmaonline.vnetnamese-Dictionary, thienmaonline.vnResearch, LDS, OpenSubtitles2018.v3, jw2019, QED, support.google, thienmaonline.vnMT_RnD, WikiMatrix.
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explain away explain one”s wishes to explainable explained explainer explanation explanatory Explanatory variable expletive explicable explicate explicative explicatory explicit Explicit function

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